Arts Queensland

SmartyGrants Privacy Statement

SmartyGrants is the cloud-based grants administration software solution Arts Queensland (Department of Education) uses to manage its funding applications and expressions of interest for peer assessors. Your personal information will be collected and stored using online software from our contracted service provider, Our Community Pty Ltd, and will also be provided to the following persons or organisations to process and manage your application or expression of interest:

  • Our Community’s Third Party Service Providers, including Amazon AWS S3, AC3, Google Maps, Here Maps.

HERE Maps stores log information across more than one region, including EU and US. For more information please refer to HERE Maps Privacy Statement available here:


Arts Queensland is collecting personal information through SmartyGrants for the purpose of processing your application and for grants management.  Your personal information will be collected and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and will be provided to the following persons or organisations to process and manage your application:

  • Industry experts engaged by Arts Queensland for the purpose of assessing your application;
  • Other funding agencies nominated in your application.

If your application is approved, your name and information about the funded project may be published on Arts Queensland’s website and/or the Queensland Government Open Data Portal. Aside from your name and the information about the funded project, your personal information will not be disclosed to any other parties without your consent unless authorised or required by law.

Current Rounds

Growing Gigs Fund - Round 2

Submissions are now open.
Submissions close 2:00PM 6 May 2025 (AEST).
Find out more about Growing Gigs Fund - Round 2...